Become a discount shopper and quit paying full price! You can get up to 25% discount on product purchases by joining my Team. It’s the perfect time and I’m here to help. You choose your level of effort:
- buy your own product and keep enjoying your hobby
- share the stamping experience with others, earning back the money you spend on your own products
- teach, do demonstrations, start a side-business and make some income
- Build a business and enjoy the full benefits of a creative opportunity that you are in charge of!
All Team members enjoy the 20% discount. 25% discount and bonuses are available. There is no “down-side” to giving this a try. The product is still yours to keep. Simply purchase your Starter Kit (normally $99) for only $75 and you select $125 worth of catalog product. If you decide to stay “active”, you turn in orders (yours, from friends, etc) at $300 per Quarter. Join in November, and your first Quarterly minimum is not due until MARCH!
Any time is good, but NOW is a GREAT time to take the leap and stop paying full price for your stamping supplies. I’m here to help you meet your goals (whether that’s “not being bothered”, or wanting help growing your own Team). The choice is yours – the special pricing only lasts through November. Contact me with your questions. I’m here to help!